Monday, October 1, 2012


Dental Tips 

for Managing 

Your Trick-or-Treater's Loot

After Halloween, many parents will be wondering, "What do we do with all this candy?"  Left up to the child, surely they would choose to ingest as much as possible.  As a parent, we would try anything to avoid this normal behavior.

We know that too much candy can make children feel ill and cause fluctuations in blood sugar.  Besides weight concerns and blood sugar issues, parents may also be concerned with the effects of sugar on their child's teeth.  When sugar is placed in the mouth, bacteria take up the sugar and produce an acid leading to tooth breakdown and decay.

Here are some tips to minimize candy's effects:

  • After eating candy, have the child drink some water or if they are older, chew a sugar-free piece of gum.
  • Set limits to the amount of candy they can have at a time.
  • Don't allow children to have candy on an empty stomach.  Try offering it to them only after a meal.
  • Substitute candy for non-food treats like stickers, toys, or small games.

Other ideas to manage your excessive candy supply:
  • Go through the candy with your child, allowing them to keep what they like.  You can recycle the remaining candy by sending it out the door with other trick or treaters.
  • Freeze the candy and use it as a treat over the next few months.  You can use the leftover candy in cookies, cakes, or as cupcake toppers for an added design.
  • If you have a child with an upcoming birthday, stuff the leftover candy in a pinata or melt it down for a chocolate fondue.
  • A good option many doctors and dentists are involved with is "Operation Shoebox" that sends candy overseas to troops serving our country.  Check your local paper for participating offices.

Hopefully using these tips, you and your family enjoy Halloween just a little more!  TRICK-OR-TREAT...............

Parisi Dental
224 Union Boulevard
Totowa, NJ 07512

 Halloween candy, tooth decay, teeth and candy, in Totowa, NJ 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Oral Cancer – A Hidden Danger


Have you heard of oral cancer but just don’t know much about it? You’re not alone. Unfortunately, many people never learn the facts until it’s too late.  Here is some information on what it is, how serious it could be, what to look for, and ways to help avoid it.

What is Oral Cancer?

Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body, also called malignant cells, which can divide without control and invade other tissues.

Cancer, a noncommunicable disease, occurs when cells mutate. It is not a virus or infection, so it cannot be passed from one person to another. 90% of oral cancer incidents involve squamous cell carcinoma, which tends to spread rapidly. Oral cancer usually begins in the tongue or lips but often spreads to the throat and neck.

More than 35,000 people in the U.S. were diagnosed with oral cancer in 2008, according to WebMD. Oral cancer has an 80-90% survival rate when detected early, but it is usually discovered in its latest stage. Unfortunately, late detection has been found to correspond with a 45% death rate within 5 years of diagnosis.

More Common Than You Think

Public awareness of oral cancer is very low. The British Dental Health Foundation conducted a survey of 1,000 members of the public showing how little the average person knows about the dangers of oral cancer. Here’s what they discovered:
  • One out of every 10 people surveyed said they had never even heard of oral cancer.
  • Fewer men are actually aware of the problem, and yet men are twice as likely to suffer from the disease than women.
  • More than 1/3 of the surveyed group thought that 1 person per day died of oral cancer or related complications in the UK. The actual UK statistic shows that someone dies of oral cancer every 5 hours, a higher rate than that of testicular cancer and cervical cancer combined.


Are You at Risk?

The highest risk factor by far is tobacco use, especially when coupled with excessive alcohol consumption, accounting for 75% of oral cancer cases. Neglected dental hygiene, poor diet and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) have become an increasing concern as well. The disease is most prevalent in the older 50+ demographic, but experts say that young people under the aforementioned criteria, especially those with more than one sexual partner, may soon rival the older demographic.



Symptoms typically include a lesion or sore on the tongue, lips or mouth. The lesion is usually pale in color but may also appear dark or discolored. It is often painless and very small at first. However, some people experience difficulty swallowing, an abnormal taste in their mouth and/or additional sores in the mouth due to this disease.

If you go in for an oral exam every 6-12 months, your dentist can check for small lesions or other irregularities that might lead to cancer. Your dentist is trained to recognize potential hazards in your mouth that the average person would not be able to see. Getting this quick, simple oral cancer screening during regular dental visits could lower your risk of allowing cancerous lesions to reach advanced stages.